NOTICE: This website was created by an independent student organization at the University of Connecticut. The views and opinions expressed within are strictly those of the page authors. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by the University of Connecticut and should be verified independently.

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Upcoming Events

  1.  Litigating Corporate Purpose: Climate Change & the Courts Litigating Corporate Purpose: Climate Change & the Courts 12:00pm 2/13
  2.  Dialogue in the Classroom for Instructors: Strategies for Building Engagement and Empathy (Virtual) Dialogue in the Classroom for Instructors: Strategies for Building Engagement and Empathy (Virtual) 10:00am 2/14
  3.  Encounters: 100% Democracy - The Case for Universal Voting Encounters: 100% Democracy - The Case for Universal Voting 10:00am 2/15
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